PrivoMail Bootstrap

PrivoMail - Features

Welcome to the features page! Here you can find how our aliasing system works and how you can use it to take back some of your online privacy.

What you get

When you sign up for a PrivoMail account, you will be able to create an email alias. The only thing you will need to specify is a forward address. Any email sent to this alias is then immediatly forwarded to the forward address without touching disk on our servers.

Besides having the emails never touching disk, we also do not do any inspection or editing of emails destined to be forwarded.

When you signup for free, you will be able to create a single email alias with absolutely no strings attached. This is a very low barrier way to start playing around with the service to see if it is to your liking.

Eventhough one alias is great way to start regaining some online privacy, having just one alias opens you up to correlation. Using the same alias for all services you do not trust makes it possible to correlate behavior accross websites. Therefore, having more aliases will protect you against these types of attacks.

At PrivoMail we do charge a monthly fee for having more aliases. We do this to keep the lights on and of course to turn a small profit. So, if you enjoy using the free service and are ready to take email privacy to a higher level, you can choose out of our three upgrade packages.

Getting people to subscribe to our service keeps us independent and running.

How does it work?

PrivoMail uses the PostFix email server wich has a functionality called virtual aliases. These virtual aliases can be used to immediatly forward an email to a specific forward address.

Again, when forwarding using virtual aliases, the email never touches disk and is only kept in memory for a short period of time, enough time to forward the email to its rightful destination discarding from server memory the email afterwards.